
Summer Program

In Person Classes for 3’s-6’s

Monday - Friday 9:00am-12:00pm
July 5th - August 13th

Registration is now OPEN - email us for more information

St John’s Preschool

St John’s Preschool is happy to offer in person classes that are safe, fun, and effective to prepare your child academically and socially for Kindergarten.

Enrollment for our summer program is open now! Due to capacity, we are currently offering 15 available spots. Enrollment is on a first come, first serve basis.

Children must turn 3 by July 5th, and toilet trained, in order to be eligible to attend.

6 Weeks Under the Sea

This year our summer program will be a play based program with preschool and kindergarten readiness review for children ages 3-6. This summer program will run for 6 weeks from July 5th through August 13th, every day Monday-Friday, from 9:00am-12:00pm.

While inside the classroom we will continue to require that masks be worn (when not seated at your desk), and follow all of the CDC and NYS COVID-19 protocols. But, during outside play your child will be permitted to remove their masks (with signed consent from a parent/guardian). Feel free to contact us for more information on classroom protocols due to Covid-19.

Supplies that your child will need are a water bottle, hat, sunscreen, complete extra change of clothes, extra mask, sunglasses (if wanted), bathing suits (upon request for water days) and comfortable shoes.


St John’s Preschool has an integrative classroom. We tailor all of our curriculum to each child’s age level and development.

Our curriculum includes phonics, pre-writing to beginners writing, fundamental math skills, science social studies, small and gross motor functions, imaginative play, expressive art, music and story time, and socialization skills.


The tuition is $25 per day . It will be due the Monday of each week (full payment at the beginning of the program is also accepted). Whether your child attends all scheduled days or is unable to attend any part of the summer program - due to illness, vacation, school closings, etc - the complete tuition is still due and expected to be paid in full to reserve your child’s spot in the program.
Checks should be made payable to St. John’s Preschool of Elma.

Registration is NOW OPEN

To register please complete this form:

2021Summer Program Registration